Time dispenser SA-0225 for packing well-flowing homogeneous products into open bags

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Часовий дозатор SA-0225 для фасування добре сипких однорідних продуктів у мішки відкритого типу
For packing well-flowing homogeneous products into open bags.

Manufacturer:  Own production

Часовий дозатор SA-0225 для фасування добре сипких однорідних продуктів у мішки відкритого типу


Time dispenser SA-0225 is designed for effective packaging of free-flowing homogeneous products into open bags (polyethylene, polypropylene, paper, jute, etc.). It is great for products that flow well, do not form breasts and have a uniform structure, that is, fractions of approximately the same size. Such products include cereals, grains, sugar, salt, granules, chemicals and the like. After packaging, filled bags must be sealed or sewn up.

The main difference between the time dispenser SA-0225 and other dispensers on the market is the principle of dose regulation. In the SA-0225 dispenser, dosing is carried out by opening a special valve located under the hopper to a strictly constant value and a strictly constant time. This principle differs from traditional dosing methods, which use variable parameters such as screw speed or weight filling time.

The time dispenser is distinguished by:

  • Easy to set up - setting the dose on the SA-0225 dispenser is simple and quick, because you only need to set the valve opening time;
  • Reliability - thanks to its simple design and minimum moving parts, the SA-0225 dispenser is less prone to breakdowns and has a long service life;
  • Low price - simple design also makes the SA-0225 dispenser one of the cheapest dispensers for bulk products on the market.

All in all, the SA-0225 temporary dispenser, thanks to its unique dosing principle, offers a number of advantages, making it an efficient, accurate and reliable solution for filling bulk products.


  • The bag is suspended manually, and then the dispenser operates in automatic mode, that is, the bag is clamped pneumatically, and when the dose is reached it is automatically released;
  • The dispenser is mounted on a mobile frame and has its own over-dispenser hopper, which eliminates the need for additional installation work.

Conditions for high dosing accuracy.

Time dispenser SA-0225 can provide high dosing accuracy, but for this, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Constant product level in the dosing hopper.
    For this purpose, it is recommended to use a conveyor that replenishes the hopper during dosing. This ensures that the product is always at the same height, which affects dosing accuracy.
  2. Small size and homogeneous product fraction.
    The SA-0225 dispenser is better suited for products with small particles and relatively uniform fractions. This minimizes product retention in the valve and ensures accurate dosing.