News of a very useful discovery came to us from Singapore. There, at the Singapore Technical University, they developed a biodegradable wrap for food packaging that can change color when the product spoils. In addition, it also has antibacterial properties and can protect the product from microbial contamination.

Food waste such as avocado pits, durian seeds and jackfruit seeds are used to make the wrap. And it is the avocado pits that provide all the beneficial properties of the wrap.

They contain substances that prevent oxidation and stop the growth of harmful bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, avocado seeds contain the so-called "Perseorangin". This compound reacts to the pH level of the environment and changes its color depending on it. For example, when seafood or meat packed in such a wrap begins to spoil, the packaging changes color from transparent yellow to dark brown. Smart packaging was able to warn about spoilage of products two days before the shrimp changed color and began to emit an unpleasant odor.

«We have developed a new food wrap expected to have a profound impact on reducing food wastage by harnessing the power of nature, namely the antimicrobial and anti-spoilage compounds in discarded avocado pits.», - said Professor William Chen, Director of NTU’s Food Science and Technology programme, who led the study.

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