The ALPLA Group, which specializes in various packaging solutions, together with one of the largest Austrian mineral water suppliers Vöslauer, introduced the reusable plastic bottle for drinks to the market. Now such a bottle with a capacity of 1 liter has already been on sale in stores in Austria.

Refillable use is based on a deposit return, which is used for glass bottles. The bottle itself is designed for at least twelve uses, which correspond to three to four years of operation according to the companies' calculations. The bottle is made more durable compared to disposable ones with a reinforced bottom. It is able to withstand washing at a temperature of 59° C without consequences. In addition, the new bottle complies with the EU directive on the content of recycled plastic - it contains about 30% of it.

The introduction of the reusable PET bottle will enable Vöslauer to save approximately 400 metric tons of plastic annually. In addition, it could make the company more independent of the looming recycled plastic shortage for many EU companies, which is already loudly announced by representatives of the beverage industry. And finally, such an initiative has a very positive effect on the environmental image of the company as a whole.

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