Tesco, one of the largest European retailers and manufacturers, has announced the launch of the line of spray cleaning products in reusable packaging. It will be the company's own product and will go on sale in the brand's supermarkets next week.

The bottom line is that after the cleaning agent in the spray bottle runs out, the buyer can purchase special capsules with a concentrate of this agent that dissolve in plain water. Thus, both the buyer and the seller receive significant financial savings through the purchase and sale of a small cardboard box instead of a massive plastic bottle. According to Tesco, more than 10 million plastic parts that typically make up a spray and a bottle could be saved a year if consumers who already buy the brand's products started using reusable concentrates.

It should be noted that the very idea of using reusable plastic packaging for household chemicals is not new for our country. You will not surprise anyone with capsules of toilet cleaner or liquid soap in disposable bags, from which it is poured into a jar with a dispenser. However, the idea of producing concentrates for cleaning agents in sprays and selling them in small soluble capsules in our country does not seem to have flashed yet. Although, it seems to us, it has quite a lot of potential.

Materials from sites tescoplc.com, packagingeurope.com were used.