British company Crisp Co. presents its chips in completely new packaging. The packaging was introduced to the community as the "first" fully recyclable paper chip packaging. It's probably worth pointing out that we've seen paper chip bags in the news before, so what's different? Let's figure it out.

The difference is primarily in the laminate used for this paper. The manufacturers decided to use Aquapak's new Hydropol polymer coating. This solution is recyclable. Moreover, it breaks down when exposed to water or air, making the packaging potentially compostable. At the same time, the manufacturer claims that the application of this polymer creates sufficient barrier properties for oxygen and fats, and also increases the density of the paper.

It is expected that if Hydropol ends up in the environment as normal waste, its non-toxic and water-soluble properties will ensure it is destroyed safely. The ability to dissolve in water also allows for 100% recovery of paper fiber at the recycling plant.

To be fair, it is worth noting that a very thin layer of aluminum is still present in this package. However, regulatory authorities believe that this will not affect the possibility of its processing. The packaging is already certified as recyclable.

In general, such paper has very wide possibilities for its use: from a wide variety of snacks and cookies to dry animal feed. Evopak, the company that developed the paper, believes it has the potential to revolutionize the packaging sector.

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