The international company Sirane recently introduced to the market its new development - barrier paper for packaging butter without plastic additives.

Manufacturers know that butter is a rather capricious product to store. And the packaging for it must have barrier properties that provide protection from fat, moisture, and oxygen. That is why the thinnest plastic coatings are applied to the paper in which the oil is packaged, which can guarantee such protection. However, these same coatings make such paper unsuitable for further processing. This is not to mention other options for packaging butter.

Therefore, paper packaging for oil, suitable for further processing like paper, is a fairly significant contribution to the development of the plastics-free movement. The material is offered by the company in two versions: simply waterproof on both sides and metallized with increased barrier properties. As the company clarifies, both options are subject to further processing like paper. And both options can be flexographically printed using water-based inks.

This development was a logical continuation of the Earthfilm line, which, among other things, already includes special heat-sealable paper for flow packs, suitable for further processing just like paper.

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