We all love to burst air bubbles in bubble wrap, which is often used for secondary packaging when transporting various goods. The popular antistress toy is even based on the use of the sound of the pop and the tactile sensation that occurs when you press the bubble. PopPack decided to use the air bubble principle to develop a completely new principle for opening a wide variety of packages - EasyPop.

The main point is that in the part of the packaging, where you need to tear the films, tear off the tape or unscrew the lid, an air bubble is sealed, clicking on which, anyone, regardless of age, easily opens the product. The use of this method of opening gives a lot of advantages upon closer examination.

On the one hand - the so-loved sensations of bubble bursting. On the other hand - the ease of opening almost any package with the movement of one hand, without the need to use scissors or even teeth. This, of course, makes such packaging very attractive, especially for children and the elderly. After all, the air itself makes the initial tear of the package, which then can be easily opened completely simply by hand. Finally, the use of EasyPop technology in some types of packaging allows significant savings. For example, in the manufacture of plastic lids for bags with sauces. And the PopPack company assures that the technology can be used equally for both one-time and multiple opening of the package.

According to the company-developer, the technological equipment allowing to create packages using EasyPop, can be easily installed on existing vertical and horizontal packaging machines. And the technology itself works with almost all materials used for packaging, including monofilms.

Materials from packagingeurope.com, poppack.com sites were used.