We have already written a lot about various developments in which paper completely or partially replaces plastic. Almost each of them has its own pros and cons, assessed mainly by specialists. This variety of developments is primarily due to EU legislation, according to which by 2030 all enterprises must switch to environmentally friendly or fully recyclable packaging.

However, despite the variety of options, there are still very few universal solutions. However, the new product from Coveris, under the general name MonoFlex Fiber, may well lay claim to some fairly large degree of versatility. MonoFlex Fiber is a complete line of flexible paper-based packaging solutions for both primary and secondary packaging.

Globally, the line is divided into two categories: MonoFlex Fiber Pure - single-layer functional paper, and MonoFlex Fiber - multi-layer structure with a maximum proportion of paper. Within each category there are also subcategories with their own purposes and barrier properties.

Despite the variety of options, the entire MonoFlex Fiber line is stated to be recyclable in the existing paper recycling stream. And besides, the entire line is suitable for use on existing equipment, without requiring technological changes. All MonoFlex Fiber products can be purchased in either pre-packed or roll-to-roll solutions.

Materials from the site coveris.com were used.