Vertical machine for packing free-flowing products into bags produced on it (pillow, gusset, stabilo, doy-pack)

Вертикальна машина для пакування добресипучих продуктів у пакети, що виготовляються на ній (подушка, гассет, стабіло, дой-пак)
For packaging free-flowing products in various types of packages (pillow, gusset, stabilo, doy-pack).

Manufacturer:  Czech Republic


The machine is designed for packing a wide range of free-flowing goods into bags of various types. The bags are produced on the same machine immediately during the packaging process. The ability to pack into different types of bags is supported by replacing the parts that form the bag. The machine is capable of packing into pillow, gusset, stabilo and doy-pack bags. The types of bags required for your production should be discussed in advance in order to obtain the required configuration. The standard set includes parts for packing into pillow and gusset bags.

The machine is made of stainless steel. It has an industrial PC with 120 GB of memory and a VPN router that enables remote machine configuration. Servomotors that control the packaging and bag making process guarantee high machine accuracy. The "shoulders" that form the bag are made of composite material, which not only ensures very high shape accuracy, but also reduces wear on the feed belts.

The Velteko packaging machine is designed to guarantee high productivity with minimal energy consumption. And the built-in computer with touch screen ensures easy setup and allows you to save a huge number of finished projects and statistics, as well as all the necessary instructions. Centralized software and computer connection with the manufacturer allows remote setup of the machine. In addition, it can be connected from a regular computer, laptop or even a mobile phone.

The machine supports the production of bags up to 280 mm wide and up to 350 mm long with a maximum volume of up to 5 liters. The maximum film width is 600 mm. Polypropylene (PP) films are used to produce bags.