Automatic machine for Doy-Pack packets production 083.32.02

 Автоматическая установка для изготовления пакетов типа "Дой-Пак"
For the manufacture of packages of the "Doy-Pack" format.

Manufacturer:  Ukraine

Пример упаковки Doy-Pack


The proposed machine is designed for Doy-Pack packets production. The machine automatically produces an empty packet made of polymer films that are supplied from the roll. The top packet seal remains un-soldered for its subsequent filling with a product with further soldering with the pre-packing-and-packing machine. Delivery of this equipment adapted for production of such packets with ZIP-LOCK (string lock) for its multiple usage is possible.

Standing Doy-Pack packets are very convenient to be applied in many cases. They are filled with a variety of liquid products and spreads as well as bulk and powder products and non-food products.